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tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.
Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui.



Software Development Kit for RealScan Series

RealScan SDK provides optimal development environment for quick and easy integration into any system.

Auto Capture

RealScan SDK's auto capture feature provides
automated detection, position check, angle check
and image quality check process in real time. It
helps users to acquire fingerprint images with
pre-defined quality hence enables seamless &
faster live scanning process. RealScan SDK offers
both callback method and using SDK functions.


RealScan SDK’s Automatic segmentation is designed to
extract multiple fingerprint images from a single slap images.
(two-finger & four-finger slaps) it also identifies
extracted fingerprint images according to pre-defined
scanning sequence and provides quality score of each
segmented images according to NISTIR 7151 standard.

Sequence Check

Sequence check ensures image quality threshold and
accurate allocation of extracted images to the 10-print set. It
provides conformity to common forensic-grade live scanning
systems and ensures integrity of the fingerprint images.

Halo Effect & Ghost
Image Elimination

Using Suprema’s advanced image processing
algorithm, RealScan SDK effectively eliminates
undesired halo effect* and residual ghost images,
therefore it improves integrity of captured images.

*Halo effect

The effect of condensation from placing warm, moist
fingers on the platen.

Slippage & Blurred
image Detection

RealScan SDK precisely detects & screens poor quality images
and alerts operator when the image went blur or slipped.

* Blurred Image can be caused by excessive pressure on the
finger when placing on the prism.
* Slippage occurs mostly for the rolled fingerprint capturing.

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