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Suprema ID biometric enrollment scanners confirmed MOSIP-compliant

2022-05-20 | Xperix

Two of Suprema ID’s biometric enrollment scanners completed compliance self-testing and integration with the Modular Open-Source Identification Platform (MOSIP) security standard.

The South Korean company’s RealScan S60 fingerprint enrollment devices gained MOSIP compliance because of the Suprema ID team’s quick comprehension of the security model and the API specifications, according to Sanjith Sundaram, head of biometric ecosystem at MOSIP. “We are looking forward to working with Suprema ID and our capable ecosystem partners to make high-quality, state-of-the-art technology products available to MOSIP adopting countries,” he added.

MOSIP, a global open-source platform for governments to build foundational digital ID systems with, also includes Secure Biometric Interface (SBI) standards to ensure the security of biometric transactions in trusted environments. Suprema ID says compliance with MOSIP will give customers the flexibility to modify strategies or change technical components respective to national roadmaps without having to re-register citizens’ biometrics.
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